Monday, June 20, 2011

Victory (Go Bruins!)

This week the Boston Bruins won the Stanley Cup.  This week I completed my first order.  From initial phone call, to face to face meeting, qualifying product needs, submitting quote, receiving order, and final delivery of order.  I can’t say how Tim Thomas of the Bruins felt when he took that MVP trophy, but I can tell you that I felt nothing short of victorious when I knew that order was delivered to the customer. 
This order was not an earth shattering dollar amount nor will this be a regular need for the customer.  What gave me this feeling of satisfaction was that I knew we had helped them solve their problem while providing the best possible customer service.  It was also proof to me that the process is working.  It started as a marketing lead, generated through Parker, and passed along to The Hope Group.  The Hope Group’s internal marketing department then screened the lead and passed it along to me.
I then made a phone call, evaluated what resources I needed to gather to support him and set up a meeting.  I went to visit the account alongside the Parker territory manager where we put together a bill of materials.  Working with one of the Parker Store managers through The Hope Group we put together a quote that afternoon.  From there I worked with the customer answering some follow-up questions and making sure that they felt the support necessary to keep moving forward.  Then it happened, I received the email containing a PO, submitted it, and the order was put together.  Then working with The Hope Group’s outside sales representative we personally delivered the order to them.  This was as text book an example as you can get on how a timely lead follow-up can lead to business.
For two months now I have watched the Bruins play in each series, fighting their way into the Stanley Cup finals.  With every steal, goal, game-win there was a celebration.  As I started my journey with The Hope Group, spending time with every department and now working in the field, I realized I too was celebrating the small victories.  Without every small victory you won’t find your way to play in the big game.  I will take the time to celebrate this success, learn from it, enjoy it, and then start back at the beginning to make it happen all over again.
Lori Wessels
Parker Hannifin
Product Support Specialist


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